Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Sale, Retiring Sale, alpha freebie

I'm going to be "retiring" from selling at Plain Digital Wrapper really soon, I hate to leave such an amazing place, but I can not give the store and designing the time that it deserves. I have some major neck and back issues..some days its not as bad as others, but I can't make kits like I think I need to order to keep my store freshly stocked.  I will be around and slowly making freebies and everything soo don't forget to stop my blog or facebook.  But the good news is... 

I'm having a very special deal ..since its Christmas time you can buy my entire store (except Zoo Review) for only $25. This is done on a honor leave me your email adress in the notes sections and I will email you a coupon to get everything for free, but once again Zoo Review and anything that goes with it is not part of this deal. 
You can get this amazing deal by clicking this link!
 (freebie at bottom)

Another Amazing deal... Choose any 3 kits and get it for only $5!! In the notes section write down your email adress and the 3 kits you want (Not Zoo Review) and I will send you coupons to get them! 

Here are some of my kits :)


 And now ... to the freebie :)